Thursday, November 29, 2007

I love my boy

Today the kids were told in class that one of their classmates has been diagnosed with leukemia. So they have been told what will happen ie hair loss etc. So on the way home, Ol was telling me about it. He then started to worry cos it is winter and she will be cold.

About 15 mins later he asks if we can go round to Grandma's.

So when we get there he takes Grandma to one side and asks if she will knit a hat and scarf for Caitlin cos she will get too cold in the winter with no hair.

My god I love my boy *sigh*


Em said...

Ollie is an angel, just like his mum.


Melissa said...

aw Lise that made me get a lump in my throat, your liggle Ollie is so thoughtful, just shows how well hes being brough up ! xxx