Monday, January 21, 2008

Just a bit wet!

What a flippin day! We have been preparing for bad weather but nowhere near as bad as this! The funny thing is, because I am in charge of the disaster management everyone thinks I can stop the emergencies - like I can stop the flooding! What makes me mad is Ollie's school was closed at 11.00 and I managed to leave work at 6.15! Oh to just leave work when I need to.............

Well I have a couple of the 365's to catch up on..................but I am so exhausted I'll catch up tomorrow zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Stay dry x


Em said...

I've told you about your dodgy parking before Mrs lol!!

Seriously, sending lots of love and hugs, you poor thing.

Hope it soon dries up with you xxxx

Anonymous said...

Lise take care xxxxx