Friday, December 15, 2006

Friday Feeling!!

I finished work today and Ol finished school - until 2nd January!! I am so excited! Today was a weird day. My dept has been audited and has received quite a bad grade. The findings are things I have been telling the Exec for months and no-one listened and no-one helped.

Today I was called into a meeting by three 'Heads of' who all apologised for leaving me and not supporting me and they promised to change things in the new year. I felt like a great weight had been lifted!!! I could myself filling up but managed to remain some level of professionalism lol! I was so happy - how sad is that!

Then I got home and had a fab phone call with Sue, except she probably didn't think so ooops!

Had a tough night with the child! He is so tired he has turned into the whinge monster from hell!! He told me tonight he wished I was dead, then spent an hour sobbing and telling me he loved me............bless him! He has talked about death all night, I did stuggle when he asked if me and daddy died who would look after him! He looked so sad and I really didn't know what to say! It is catch 22 - do you say don't worry that would never happen (because we don't know that it won't happen) or do you answer his question? I did the honerable and perfect mother thing...............completely fobbed him of and changed the subject! Then he asked when people die does everyone come back two days later, like Jesus did! Why do children ask such difficult bloody questions!

Think of me tomorrow - birthday party with 17 of them! Arrggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

1 comment:

Sue said...

she SO DID


re the death issue.....I held off making a will cos we had to say who would look afetr the kids...just couldn't even think about it.

Blimey how cheerfull was that

think we better stick to phone calls