Sunday, February 25, 2007
Great weekend!
Today we went to Karate, which Ol is starting to really enjoy - now he has got over his chronic shyness, which is one of the reasons that I have started taking him to karate as they say it helps with confidence.
I've got 2 cj's to post out tomorrow - this malarky is costing me a fortune!
Bought a new cd today - Mika and Life in a Cartoon Motion. AM LOVING IT!! Esepcially Lollipop and Billy Brown. Would def. recommend it!
Ok I have been tagged by Em so.......................
1. Find the nearest book
On the table next to me, ready to take to work tomorrow.
2. Name the book & the author
Not as exciting as Em's but - Wolf in Shadow by David Gemmell
3. Turn to page 123
OK but I haven't got to that page yet so I hope it doesn't give anything away lol!
4. Go to the 5th sentence on the page & copy out the next three sentences onto your blog.
"But then I have not refused, Mr Zedeki. That would be presumptuous'.
Zedeki drained his tea and looked around the settlement. His soldiers eye took in the placements of some twenty felled trees which scattered the open ground".
5. Tag 3 more people.
I tag Bex, Sue (when she gets back from USA!) and
Friday, February 23, 2007
Well I have been hugged (both actually and virtually) so much this week, I am feeling very loved and lucky. I know I am very lucky and I do appreciate what I have got - so I'm back to my 'normal' self and ready to enjoy life again.
(Can I just let you know that Em has been trying to leave messages about what an awful friend she has been, so I have not published them cos a) she isn't and b) it's my chuffin blog and I can do that!!! xxx)
So I've been crafting (woo hoo) and here are my ATC's for the Stamp Man's ATC swap. Now last month we had TONS of swaps (to the point I can't do them on my table any more they are now sorted out on my living room floor!) so I thought I better actually join in and do some as well as moderating it!! Now all we need is for Suzy Q to join in and we are really rocking! The theme this month is Vintage:

And here is my book for My Favourites and the first page which is dedicated to my fav book which is IT by Stephen King.

Now this is the second page that I did for IT. The first one had the front cover of the book, with Pennywise the clown and lots of blood..............which is what you would expect from this book. But I actually think this book is less about the horror (yes there is quite a bit of nastiness like the leper, werewolf, and my personal yuck of the eyeball!) but it is more than that to me. It is also about love and friendship. A bunch of misfit kids that become friends, save each others lives and make a promise that if 'IT' ever returns they will come back and defeat it. So when 'IT' does come back they are all called to fulfill their promise, except now they are adults and it is all a bit scarier! So they need more courage and honour. So there you are, my fav book from when I was about 15, which I read at least twice a year. Yes I am weird and I know I am starting to show a really geeky side to me through this blog (and Em, she is called Buffy not Duffy!!) but this is who I am!!
Sleep well everyone MMMWWHHAAAAA!!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Ah well.
Monday, February 19, 2007
A4 Challenge
Thanks Mistresses of Scrap xxxxxxxxxxxx

Sunday, February 18, 2007
We all had a nice time and Ol was so happy! He had all of us (including the god that is Uncle Robert) plus great days out.
This was a lovely day, would recommend it if you are in the area.
Here's some photos - will be scrapping them soon! (the one at the bottom was taken by Ol - not bad for a 5 year old!!
Back to school and work tomorrow worst luck, all uniforms and suits are ready to go - I hate that about Sunday nights! Just that reminder of what you have to do tomorrow lol!
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Poor Casper ;o(
So whilst vet is checking him out he discovers swollen kidneys and a enlarged thyroid - has prepared me for the worst I think!! Have to keep an eye on his weight and take him back..............soon, he said!
But he is 12 and had a good innings......
Monday, February 05, 2007
DCM Challenge
Here's a card I did for DH's valentine card, also works for the DCM challenge lol!!

Then I did this for my sister's birthday:
Thank you DCM for the inspiration - I love using photos on cards!!
I also finished one of the pages for the cj's I've got..........don't know if I can show you! Will find out and if I can I'll post it......the subject is 'It's not easy being green' and we have to do a page dedicated to green. I thought for ages what I could and then suddenly realised I lived in the Dales!! So me and baby went for a drive on Sunday and took some of the most gorgeous photos. Has reminded me of how gorgeous my environment is!!
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Buffy and Angel
I don't think any of you will like it as I suppose it is an acquired taste, however I now get what Bex was saying about her last cj, when she called it her baby!! I really have enjoyed doing this, it was out of my usual style but I could still do it!! Can't wait to get the others to do!
And yes I know I am a total geek and I am extremely sad, but I had fun!!!

Thursday, February 01, 2007
I may wet myself!!
I am so excited I may just wet myself - a cj dedicated to Buffy and Angel.................can it get any better than that!!! obviously if you are not as sad as me and Steph you just won't appreciate it I suppose!!
Right - off to do some manic cj'ing ;o)
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