So Monday was really bad at work - lots of stress and pressure (and stooopid people who expect me to stop the flooding!). Tuesday was a bit of a clean up (literally lol) and incident reports etc. Then school last night which got me all stressed cos it was about intergrating numeracy into lessons - and I 'ate maffs!
So when I woke up this morning and realised I was going to my first Art from the Heart class of 2008 my little heart lifted a little bit. Dropped Ollie off at school and picked up a parcel from Em. To say she has spoilt me is an understatement! She has sent me loads of BG stuff and I love it all! In fact she couldn't have chosen better! So BG pressy next to me I set off to Harrogate in the car with loud tacky music and sweeties!
OMFG I have had such an excellent day! The course was making a book with the BIA and decorate a tin to put it in. I can't actually begin to explain how friggin brilliant the course was! I have made (with a little help ;o)) a book from scratch, with a covered front and back, with fabby pages with tags, envelopes etc etc. Even the tin is sexy!! Dyan shared so many wonderful ideas that I just would never even think to do and should me how to use all those fabb things I have bought from AFTH and never had the guts to use! I have come out armed with confidence to just have a go and see what happens! I also have a really good pressie for Gail's bday next month! Imagine sitting in a class being shown how to make really tricky things in an easy way, surrounded by Blonde Moments, Tim Holtz, 7 Gypsies, Elsie, MAMBI etc etc - bliss!
I will show you - but I need to finish off a couple of things ;o)
Oh and I must apologise to Sue as I may have shown off a bit in a text lol!
(Oh and can I just point out today I have being SEWING! Me? Unbelieveable!)
And then I get home to a parcel from Carol. She has sent me a beautiful tin with a gorgeous message in and some ace primas. She is soo talented, I love getting parcels from Carol!
So there we go, if you spoke to me last night you'dve got an angry sad stressed individual. Now you have a relaxed happy crafty person - so thank god for my wonderful friends and the talent that is Dyan!

you lucky wotsit
Cannot wait to see what you have produced bet its fab
and yeah you did gloat but hey can hardly blame you
would yell you on MSN but am hooked on TORCHWOOD speak soon xxxx
Moan and bitch? Crikey, don't know how you can, I just don't have those traits in my personality *wink*.
Glad you had such a fabby day - I already told you that I cannot wait to see what you made!
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